Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Technology & Whimsey

Why can't I listen to my music while I post???
Technology: Sigh....my dealings with technology...maybe it is that technology misunderstands me!!? It cannot accurately communicate with ME--this is its problem!!!
Now that I have labeled the verity of the origin of this problem--
Whimsey: I can continue with a rather whimsical side of me as I remember why I have the song "Wildfire" by Michael Martin Murphy on my blog. It has very clear memories of me at college, sitting in a huge house attic on campus. There were 5 of us girls renting this house, not many bedrooms and we all wanted our space. So, 2 of us moved to the unfinished attic(we loved the cold and had electric blankets) and Moody had one end of the attic and I -the other. It was great! she had a great stereo and we listened to our music at night and on weekends. We shared cokes and doritos and finally we would go and get meatball subs and listen to Wildfire as loud as we could (with good quality)!!! Sigh....


  1. Nice BLOB. I remember that house at Purdue. It's where you lived when I first met you. Is this right? Is it the one where everyone had to pass through your bedroom to get to the bathroom?

  2. Very nice to see you blogging again! I did a little post of us from the funeral on mine if you get a chance to check it out!
